Frequently Asked Questions
Payment Information
Step by Step Written Directions to Make a Payment
How to make a Payment Video (To view- click full screen option)
How to Make A Payment Video (YouTube)
How to Reset your Password (Youtube)
How to make a Payment Video (To view- click full screen option)
How to Make A Payment Video (YouTube)
How to Reset your Password (Youtube)
Pre-Service Program
Do I need to have a bachelor's degree to enroll in Pre-Service?
Yes. A Bachelor's Degree is required to enroll in the Pre-Service Program.
Do I need to complete the CBEST before enrolling in Pre-Service?
No. It does not need to be passed BEFORE enrolling in Pre-Service, but it will need to be completed before the end of the program in order to become "Intern Eligible."
How long does it take to complete Pre-Service?
Pre-Service can be completed in 18-weeks if all requirements are met.
How do I retake a Pre-Service class if I did not pass it the first time?
Contact the Pre-Service Coordinator to re-enroll in the course and pay the $150 re-take fee.
How much does the Pre-Service Program cost?
Tuition for the Pre-Service Program is $1,200 and there is a $300 application fee.
How do I obtain my transcripts for my work in the Pre-Service Program?
Click HERE to find directions on how to request Pre-Service transcript.
Do I have to pay for Pre-Service up front?
Yes. Tuition for Pre-Service is due up-front.
How do I enroll in the Pre-Service Program?
The first step in enrolling in the Pre-Service Program is to attend an Information Meeting. Click HERE to register now.
I obtained a letter of "Intent to Hire." What do I do next?
When the letter of "Intent to Hire" is obtained, the candidate should contact the District Intern Coordinator for information on next steps.
I completed (or am currently completing) courses with another Pre-Service Program. Can I transfer from that program to the LACOE BTP Pre-Service Program?
Contact the Pre-Service Coordinator directly for more information: [email protected]
Do I need to pass both the CBEST and CSET exams before I enroll in Pre-Service?
What happens if I don't obtain an interning position by the enrollment date?
You can either find another teacher preparation program or wait until the next academic year. If your Intern Eligibility Letter expired, reach out to Amy O'Neal and she can issue you a new one. Advisement for the District Intern Program begins in May of each year.
Yes. A Bachelor's Degree is required to enroll in the Pre-Service Program.
Do I need to complete the CBEST before enrolling in Pre-Service?
No. It does not need to be passed BEFORE enrolling in Pre-Service, but it will need to be completed before the end of the program in order to become "Intern Eligible."
How long does it take to complete Pre-Service?
Pre-Service can be completed in 18-weeks if all requirements are met.
How do I retake a Pre-Service class if I did not pass it the first time?
Contact the Pre-Service Coordinator to re-enroll in the course and pay the $150 re-take fee.
How much does the Pre-Service Program cost?
Tuition for the Pre-Service Program is $1,200 and there is a $300 application fee.
How do I obtain my transcripts for my work in the Pre-Service Program?
Click HERE to find directions on how to request Pre-Service transcript.
Do I have to pay for Pre-Service up front?
Yes. Tuition for Pre-Service is due up-front.
How do I enroll in the Pre-Service Program?
The first step in enrolling in the Pre-Service Program is to attend an Information Meeting. Click HERE to register now.
I obtained a letter of "Intent to Hire." What do I do next?
When the letter of "Intent to Hire" is obtained, the candidate should contact the District Intern Coordinator for information on next steps.
I completed (or am currently completing) courses with another Pre-Service Program. Can I transfer from that program to the LACOE BTP Pre-Service Program?
Contact the Pre-Service Coordinator directly for more information: [email protected]
Do I need to pass both the CBEST and CSET exams before I enroll in Pre-Service?
What happens if I don't obtain an interning position by the enrollment date?
You can either find another teacher preparation program or wait until the next academic year. If your Intern Eligibility Letter expired, reach out to Amy O'Neal and she can issue you a new one. Advisement for the District Intern Program begins in May of each year.
District Intern Program
How much does the District Intern Program cost?
The cost for the District Intern Program is $250 for the non-refundable advisement fee and $6,000 per year (for 2-years) for tuition.
Do I have to pay the total up front?
The $250 non-refundable advisement fee is due up front, but the tuition payments are made in monthly installments.
Can I get my District Intern Credential online?
LACOE BTP does not offer an exclusively online District Intern Program. Our program utilizes a hybrid design. Courses are taken in person and online and includes supervised fieldwork.
Can I change from a traditional credential program at a University to the LACOE District Intern Program?
No.The LACOE BTP District Intern Program has a unique design and any candidate that would like to transfer to our program would need to start from the beginning.
How do I make a payment?
Click here for tuition payment information for the District Intern Program.
How do I obtain my transcripts from my work in the District Intern Program?
Click here to find information about requesting your transcripts for the District Intern Program.
How long does it take to complete the District Intern Program?
The standard District Intern Program takes two years to complete.
How do I enroll in the District Intern Program?
Click here to find more information about enrolling in the District Intern Program.
How often do I have to attend classes for the District Intern Program?
Courses for the District Intern Program are attended twice per week from 5-8 PM.
I completed (or am currently completing) courses with another District Intern Program. Can I transfer from that program to the LACOE BTP District Intern Program?
No. Our program is unique and candidates do need to start from the beginning unless enrolling in the Accelerated District Intern Program.
Does the District Intern Program run all year long?
Yes. The program begins in the fall and runs through June.
Can I obtain my Mild/Moderate & Moderate/Severe Education Specialist Credentials at the same time?
Only if your teaching position states that you are working with both Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe students. This is extremely rare.
If I already have a SpEd credential, can I obtain a General Education credential?
Yes, but it is treated like a new preliminary program and the candidate must be intern eligible (pass the subject matter examination needed for the desired credential).
Can I work in a school district other than LAUSD and be eligible to patriciate in the District Intern Program?
Yes. Our program is for teachers in the County of Los Angeles, so any districts within the county, or boundary lines to Orange County, are eligible to participate in the program.
Are there schools that I am not eligible to teach at as an Intern?
Yes. Private, religious school, an non public schools/charters. Interns must teach at public schools/districts/charters.
The cost for the District Intern Program is $250 for the non-refundable advisement fee and $6,000 per year (for 2-years) for tuition.
Do I have to pay the total up front?
The $250 non-refundable advisement fee is due up front, but the tuition payments are made in monthly installments.
Can I get my District Intern Credential online?
LACOE BTP does not offer an exclusively online District Intern Program. Our program utilizes a hybrid design. Courses are taken in person and online and includes supervised fieldwork.
Can I change from a traditional credential program at a University to the LACOE District Intern Program?
No.The LACOE BTP District Intern Program has a unique design and any candidate that would like to transfer to our program would need to start from the beginning.
How do I make a payment?
Click here for tuition payment information for the District Intern Program.
How do I obtain my transcripts from my work in the District Intern Program?
Click here to find information about requesting your transcripts for the District Intern Program.
How long does it take to complete the District Intern Program?
The standard District Intern Program takes two years to complete.
How do I enroll in the District Intern Program?
Click here to find more information about enrolling in the District Intern Program.
How often do I have to attend classes for the District Intern Program?
Courses for the District Intern Program are attended twice per week from 5-8 PM.
I completed (or am currently completing) courses with another District Intern Program. Can I transfer from that program to the LACOE BTP District Intern Program?
No. Our program is unique and candidates do need to start from the beginning unless enrolling in the Accelerated District Intern Program.
Does the District Intern Program run all year long?
Yes. The program begins in the fall and runs through June.
Can I obtain my Mild/Moderate & Moderate/Severe Education Specialist Credentials at the same time?
Only if your teaching position states that you are working with both Mild/Moderate and Moderate/Severe students. This is extremely rare.
If I already have a SpEd credential, can I obtain a General Education credential?
Yes, but it is treated like a new preliminary program and the candidate must be intern eligible (pass the subject matter examination needed for the desired credential).
Can I work in a school district other than LAUSD and be eligible to patriciate in the District Intern Program?
Yes. Our program is for teachers in the County of Los Angeles, so any districts within the county, or boundary lines to Orange County, are eligible to participate in the program.
Are there schools that I am not eligible to teach at as an Intern?
Yes. Private, religious school, an non public schools/charters. Interns must teach at public schools/districts/charters.
New SpEd Program
When do the requirements for the new Education Specialist program take place?
July 1, 2022
Do Education Specialist candidates have to complete the TPA (Teaching Performance Assessment)?
What are the new credential authorization areas?
Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN), Extensive Support Needs (ESN), Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), Visual Impairments (VI), Deaf Hard of Hearing (DHH)
What new credential authorization areas does LACOE provide?
Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN), Extensive Support Needs (ESN), and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
What's new in the authorizations?
Both Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) candidates and Extensive Support Needs (ESN) candidates will be prepared to work with students identified with a range of disabilities instead of prepared to work only with certain Federal Disability categories. Additionally, Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) credential holders will now be able to serve in a Kindergarten classroom.
What is the difference between Mild to Moderate Support Needs and Extensive Support Needs?
Definition of Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) for use in New Authorization Statements: Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) includes providing specially designed instruction to access grade level California Content Standards in the Least Restrictive Environment. The education specialist provides instruction and supports in one or more of the following domains: academics, communication, gross/fine motor, social-emotional, behavioral, vocational, and learning environment access skills. The supports may also include health, movement and sensory support. Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) practices may include lower student to educator ratio.
Definition of Extensive Support Needs (ESN) for use in the New Authorization Statements: Extensive Support Needs (ESN) include providing specially designed instruction to access grade level California Content Standards in the Least Restrictive Environment. The education specialist provides intensive instruction and supports in two or more of the following domains: academics, communication, gross/fine motor, social-emotional, behavioral, vocational and adaptive/daily living skills. The supports also often include health, movement and sensory support. Extensive Support Needs (ESN) practices include lower student to educator ratio.
Who decides (and how) what "intensive" means to differentiate Extensive Support Needs (ESN) from Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)? Will there be further guidance from CTC when districts are looking at assigning caseloads?
CTC is working with CDE about providing guidance around the definitions for Mild to Moderate and Extensive Support Needs as it relates to the IEP meeting and determining the best placement for a student as that is more under their purview…more information to follow.
When do districts redesign caseloads as Interns will be on an intern credential under the new authorizations, but currently credentialed employees are under current authorizations?
CTC advises districts to hold off on redesigning caseloads until 2024 since the majority of teachers will have the current Mild to Moderate Disabilities / Moderate to Severe Disabilities authorizations. In the interim, Interns will have an expanded authorization and will be able to teach any of the same classes and students that a Mild to Moderate Disabilities / Moderate to Severe Disabilities teacher currently does.
As the employer, what impact does the new credential authorization areas have on hiring?
There is a new release time requirement of 10 days in year 1 of the District Intern program.
If a district intern works for a high school district, is there any guidance or advice on scheduling that candidate to have experience at the elementary or middle school level?
The interns should have experience outside of their own classroom. The general education hours are at a different grade level and are outside of the grade levels they are currently working with. Please work with neighboring districts or contact LACOE to create observation partnerships.
July 1, 2022
Do Education Specialist candidates have to complete the TPA (Teaching Performance Assessment)?
What are the new credential authorization areas?
Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN), Extensive Support Needs (ESN), Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE), Visual Impairments (VI), Deaf Hard of Hearing (DHH)
What new credential authorization areas does LACOE provide?
Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN), Extensive Support Needs (ESN), and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)
What's new in the authorizations?
Both Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) candidates and Extensive Support Needs (ESN) candidates will be prepared to work with students identified with a range of disabilities instead of prepared to work only with certain Federal Disability categories. Additionally, Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) credential holders will now be able to serve in a Kindergarten classroom.
What is the difference between Mild to Moderate Support Needs and Extensive Support Needs?
Definition of Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) for use in New Authorization Statements: Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) includes providing specially designed instruction to access grade level California Content Standards in the Least Restrictive Environment. The education specialist provides instruction and supports in one or more of the following domains: academics, communication, gross/fine motor, social-emotional, behavioral, vocational, and learning environment access skills. The supports may also include health, movement and sensory support. Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) practices may include lower student to educator ratio.
Definition of Extensive Support Needs (ESN) for use in the New Authorization Statements: Extensive Support Needs (ESN) include providing specially designed instruction to access grade level California Content Standards in the Least Restrictive Environment. The education specialist provides intensive instruction and supports in two or more of the following domains: academics, communication, gross/fine motor, social-emotional, behavioral, vocational and adaptive/daily living skills. The supports also often include health, movement and sensory support. Extensive Support Needs (ESN) practices include lower student to educator ratio.
Who decides (and how) what "intensive" means to differentiate Extensive Support Needs (ESN) from Mild to Moderate Support Needs (MMSN)? Will there be further guidance from CTC when districts are looking at assigning caseloads?
CTC is working with CDE about providing guidance around the definitions for Mild to Moderate and Extensive Support Needs as it relates to the IEP meeting and determining the best placement for a student as that is more under their purview…more information to follow.
When do districts redesign caseloads as Interns will be on an intern credential under the new authorizations, but currently credentialed employees are under current authorizations?
CTC advises districts to hold off on redesigning caseloads until 2024 since the majority of teachers will have the current Mild to Moderate Disabilities / Moderate to Severe Disabilities authorizations. In the interim, Interns will have an expanded authorization and will be able to teach any of the same classes and students that a Mild to Moderate Disabilities / Moderate to Severe Disabilities teacher currently does.
As the employer, what impact does the new credential authorization areas have on hiring?
There is a new release time requirement of 10 days in year 1 of the District Intern program.
If a district intern works for a high school district, is there any guidance or advice on scheduling that candidate to have experience at the elementary or middle school level?
The interns should have experience outside of their own classroom. The general education hours are at a different grade level and are outside of the grade levels they are currently working with. Please work with neighboring districts or contact LACOE to create observation partnerships.
Induction Program
How much does the Induction Program cost?
The cost for the Induction Program is $250 for the non-refundable advisement fee and $2,000 per year (for two years) for tuition. If your school/district/charter does not subsidize/pay for mentor support, the cost of mentor support is an additional $2,000 per year.
Do I have to pay for the Induction Program up front?
The $250 non-refundable advisement fee is due up front, but the tuition payments are made in monthly installments from October - May.
How do I obtain my transcripts for my work in the Induction Program?
We do not offer official sealed transcripts for work completed in the Induction Program. Verification of completion can be accessed by printing a grade report from Canvas. See your Canvas account's Pages tab for more information.
How do I make a payment for the Induction Program?
Click here to access information on how to make a payment.
How long does it take to complete the Induction Program?
The standard Induction Program takes two years to complete. If a candidate applies for and is accepted in to the Early Completion Option (ECO) Program, it can be completed in one year.
What if I already have a Clear or Level II credential? Do I need to complete Induction?
No. On March 7, 2019 Title 5 was amended to allow an educator who already holds a clear teaching credential in one area, general education or special education, to be granted a clear teaching credential in a new credential type, in special education or general education, upon completion of the appropriate preliminary teacher preparation program without being required to complete an additional induction experience.
How do I enroll in the Induction Program?
The first step to enrolling in the Induction Program is to register for and attend an Information Meeting. Click here to find the registration link.
Can I clear my credential online?
LACOE BTP does not currently offer an online only option to complete Induction. The program includes meeting face to face and occasionally online with a mentor weekly for the duration of the program.
Do General Education & Education Specialists complete the same Induction Program?
Yes, the program is the same. Candidates are matched with mentors with a similar credential type (if available) to help tailor the program to meet a candidate's needs.
My preliminary credential is expired. Can I enroll in Induction?
No. Candidates need a valid Preliminary Credential that will last the duration of the Induction Program (2-years).
Who do I contact if I need an extension for my Preliminary Credential?
Contact Karen Valle for more information about extensions ([email protected]). Please note that only current Induction candidates can obtain assistance in applying for a credential extension. Prospective candidates must obtain a position as "Teacher of Record" in order to to qualify for assistance with an extension.
If I was let go or resigned from my school, can I still participate in Induction?
No. Per the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, all candidates must be "Teacher of Record" in order to participate in Induction. If a candidate is let go or resigns, their Induction Program is automatically put on hold.
If I already completed a year of Induction with another agency/district, can I complete Year Two with LACOE BTP?
Yes, but you must provide evidence of completion of Year One from your former agency/district.
The cost for the Induction Program is $250 for the non-refundable advisement fee and $2,000 per year (for two years) for tuition. If your school/district/charter does not subsidize/pay for mentor support, the cost of mentor support is an additional $2,000 per year.
Do I have to pay for the Induction Program up front?
The $250 non-refundable advisement fee is due up front, but the tuition payments are made in monthly installments from October - May.
How do I obtain my transcripts for my work in the Induction Program?
We do not offer official sealed transcripts for work completed in the Induction Program. Verification of completion can be accessed by printing a grade report from Canvas. See your Canvas account's Pages tab for more information.
How do I make a payment for the Induction Program?
Click here to access information on how to make a payment.
How long does it take to complete the Induction Program?
The standard Induction Program takes two years to complete. If a candidate applies for and is accepted in to the Early Completion Option (ECO) Program, it can be completed in one year.
What if I already have a Clear or Level II credential? Do I need to complete Induction?
No. On March 7, 2019 Title 5 was amended to allow an educator who already holds a clear teaching credential in one area, general education or special education, to be granted a clear teaching credential in a new credential type, in special education or general education, upon completion of the appropriate preliminary teacher preparation program without being required to complete an additional induction experience.
How do I enroll in the Induction Program?
The first step to enrolling in the Induction Program is to register for and attend an Information Meeting. Click here to find the registration link.
Can I clear my credential online?
LACOE BTP does not currently offer an online only option to complete Induction. The program includes meeting face to face and occasionally online with a mentor weekly for the duration of the program.
Do General Education & Education Specialists complete the same Induction Program?
Yes, the program is the same. Candidates are matched with mentors with a similar credential type (if available) to help tailor the program to meet a candidate's needs.
My preliminary credential is expired. Can I enroll in Induction?
No. Candidates need a valid Preliminary Credential that will last the duration of the Induction Program (2-years).
Who do I contact if I need an extension for my Preliminary Credential?
Contact Karen Valle for more information about extensions ([email protected]). Please note that only current Induction candidates can obtain assistance in applying for a credential extension. Prospective candidates must obtain a position as "Teacher of Record" in order to to qualify for assistance with an extension.
If I was let go or resigned from my school, can I still participate in Induction?
No. Per the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing, all candidates must be "Teacher of Record" in order to participate in Induction. If a candidate is let go or resigns, their Induction Program is automatically put on hold.
If I already completed a year of Induction with another agency/district, can I complete Year Two with LACOE BTP?
Yes, but you must provide evidence of completion of Year One from your former agency/district.
How long is the grant going to be available?
The California Classified School Employees Teacher Credentialing Program is a five year grant, extending from 2021-2022 school year through June 30, 2028.
Who is eligible to apply?
Those who are actively employed classified staff, part or full-time, or have been previously employed classified staff, in a Los Angeles county public school district. Applicants must either have an associate’s degree or have successfully completed two years of post-secondary education, equivalent to 60 college level credits.
I have a friend who wants to apply - are there spots available?
Yes. All original 125 spots are currently filled; however, updates in grant expenditure allowances gives us the opportunity to enroll additional participants. Furthermore, as participants graduate or leave, spots will be replaced. Applications will be collected as needed through the BTP website.
What types of credentials does this grant cover?
Applicants must plan to obtain a Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Special Education (Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe) teaching credential.
What colleges/universities can I attend for my degree or credential?
Participants can attend any California based accredited Community College, California State University, University of California, or private not-for-profit institutions of higher education that offer a commission-approved teacher preparation program(s).
What are my responsibilities for participating in the grant?
Participants are expected to accomplish all of the following:
How much aid would I expect to receive while in the grant?
LACOE Grant participants receive an annual disbursement of $4,320.
Do I have to repay the funds that were paid out on my behalf after I receive my degree or credential?
No, you are not expected to repay any of the grant funds, however by accepting the grant you are expected to complete a school year of classroom instruction for each year of financial assistance received.
Do I need to finish my credential work by the end of the grant?
No, the expectation of the grant is that you are making satisfactory progress toward your credential while you are receiving grant funds.
What can I submit for reimbursement?
School costs (such as tuition, books, transcripts, parking, and registration fees), CTC fees (such as livescan, Certificate of Clearance, Sub Permit, Credential fees), Exam fees (such as test registration and test preparation materials).
*Technology costs, classroom materials, and secondary credentials / certificate programs are not reimbursable through CCSETCP.
The California Classified School Employees Teacher Credentialing Program is a five year grant, extending from 2021-2022 school year through June 30, 2028.
- LACOE Round 1 has concluded.
- LACOE Round 2 has concluded.
- LACOE Round 3 has 50 spots and is currently active.
- LACOE Round 4 has 75 spots and is currently active.
Who is eligible to apply?
Those who are actively employed classified staff, part or full-time, or have been previously employed classified staff, in a Los Angeles county public school district. Applicants must either have an associate’s degree or have successfully completed two years of post-secondary education, equivalent to 60 college level credits.
I have a friend who wants to apply - are there spots available?
Yes. All original 125 spots are currently filled; however, updates in grant expenditure allowances gives us the opportunity to enroll additional participants. Furthermore, as participants graduate or leave, spots will be replaced. Applications will be collected as needed through the BTP website.
What types of credentials does this grant cover?
Applicants must plan to obtain a Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Special Education (Mild/Moderate or Moderate/Severe) teaching credential.
What colleges/universities can I attend for my degree or credential?
Participants can attend any California based accredited Community College, California State University, University of California, or private not-for-profit institutions of higher education that offer a commission-approved teacher preparation program(s).
What are my responsibilities for participating in the grant?
Participants are expected to accomplish all of the following:
- Graduate from an institution of higher education with a bachelor’s degree, or
- Obtain a Multiple Subject, Single Subject, or Educational Specialist teaching credential, and,
- Complete a school year of classroom instruction for each year of financial assistance received.
How much aid would I expect to receive while in the grant?
LACOE Grant participants receive an annual disbursement of $4,320.
Do I have to repay the funds that were paid out on my behalf after I receive my degree or credential?
No, you are not expected to repay any of the grant funds, however by accepting the grant you are expected to complete a school year of classroom instruction for each year of financial assistance received.
Do I need to finish my credential work by the end of the grant?
No, the expectation of the grant is that you are making satisfactory progress toward your credential while you are receiving grant funds.
What can I submit for reimbursement?
School costs (such as tuition, books, transcripts, parking, and registration fees), CTC fees (such as livescan, Certificate of Clearance, Sub Permit, Credential fees), Exam fees (such as test registration and test preparation materials).
*Technology costs, classroom materials, and secondary credentials / certificate programs are not reimbursable through CCSETCP.
Additional Services/Other
How can I become a Mentor/Practicum Supervisor/Instructor?
Mentor, Practicum Supervisor, and Instructor positions are posted on as available.
What added authorizations does Beginning Teacher Programs offer?
LACOE BTP offers the Early Childhood Special Education Added Authorization & the Autism Authorization. Click on the Additional Services tab on the top of the screen for more information.
What is the difference between Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Accelerated Intern and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Added Authorization?
ECSE Accelerated Intern is an 18 month program that allows you to teach in the authorized area immediately. Please click here for the Accelerated Intern program. Note: the annual enrollment deadline is August 30.
ECSE Added Authorization is a 12 month program that allows you to teach in the authorized area upon completion of the program.
If I have a General Education credential can I earn the Autism Added Authorization?
No. The AASE program is a subset of the full preliminary teacher preparation program and are designed to allow teachers to earn an additional authorization to supplement the knowledge and skills gained in their preliminary teacher preparation program. You most possess a valid special education teaching credential.
Do you offer test preparation for the CBEST?
Yes. LACOE BTP partners with BTPS testing to offer CBEST test preparation. Click on the Additional Services tab on the top of the screen for more information.
Do you offer test preparation for the CSET exam?
Yes. LACOE BTP partners with BTPS testing to offer CSET: Multiple Subject test preparation. Click on the Additional Services tab on the top of the screen for more information.
Do you offer test preparation for the California Teacher of English Learners Exam (CTEL)?
No. LACOE BTP does not currently offer test preparation for the CTEL. Contact the Multilingual Academic Support Unit for more information. Click here to access their website.
How long are LACOE BTP Transcripts valid?
To enroll in a LACOE BTP program, coursework from a transcript will be accepted for the prior 5 years.
How can I get my transcripts from another university evaluated?
Yes, though there may be fees involved. Please contact the main office (562) 922-7413 for more information.
Who do I contact for help with Canvas?
Contact your program coordinator for help with Canvas. Also, please ensure the website being used is correct:
I'm a former/current candidate. Can you write me a letter of recommendation?
Unfortunately, LACOE Staff are unable to write letters of recommendation. Please contact your program coordinator for more information.
How do I obtain a California Teaching Credential if I already have a Teaching Credential from another state or another country?
Depending on if a candidate is prepared outside of California or outside of the United States, there are different steps that need to be taken. Please refer the the CTC website that can be accessed here for more information.
Who can tell me who my balance is for District Intern or Induction?
Contact the main office at (562) 922-7413.
How long does it take for a Preliminary or Clear credential to post on the CTC website.
The first issuance of a preliminary or clear normally takes less than 10 days to post on the CTC website. Extensions can take up to 120 days to post.
Can I choose my own mentor?
All mentors must be trained by LACOE staff. If the mentor you have in mind has been trained, they may be able to be your mentor.
Mentor, Practicum Supervisor, and Instructor positions are posted on as available.
What added authorizations does Beginning Teacher Programs offer?
LACOE BTP offers the Early Childhood Special Education Added Authorization & the Autism Authorization. Click on the Additional Services tab on the top of the screen for more information.
What is the difference between Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Accelerated Intern and Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Added Authorization?
ECSE Accelerated Intern is an 18 month program that allows you to teach in the authorized area immediately. Please click here for the Accelerated Intern program. Note: the annual enrollment deadline is August 30.
ECSE Added Authorization is a 12 month program that allows you to teach in the authorized area upon completion of the program.
If I have a General Education credential can I earn the Autism Added Authorization?
No. The AASE program is a subset of the full preliminary teacher preparation program and are designed to allow teachers to earn an additional authorization to supplement the knowledge and skills gained in their preliminary teacher preparation program. You most possess a valid special education teaching credential.
Do you offer test preparation for the CBEST?
Yes. LACOE BTP partners with BTPS testing to offer CBEST test preparation. Click on the Additional Services tab on the top of the screen for more information.
Do you offer test preparation for the CSET exam?
Yes. LACOE BTP partners with BTPS testing to offer CSET: Multiple Subject test preparation. Click on the Additional Services tab on the top of the screen for more information.
Do you offer test preparation for the California Teacher of English Learners Exam (CTEL)?
No. LACOE BTP does not currently offer test preparation for the CTEL. Contact the Multilingual Academic Support Unit for more information. Click here to access their website.
How long are LACOE BTP Transcripts valid?
To enroll in a LACOE BTP program, coursework from a transcript will be accepted for the prior 5 years.
How can I get my transcripts from another university evaluated?
Yes, though there may be fees involved. Please contact the main office (562) 922-7413 for more information.
Who do I contact for help with Canvas?
Contact your program coordinator for help with Canvas. Also, please ensure the website being used is correct:
I'm a former/current candidate. Can you write me a letter of recommendation?
Unfortunately, LACOE Staff are unable to write letters of recommendation. Please contact your program coordinator for more information.
How do I obtain a California Teaching Credential if I already have a Teaching Credential from another state or another country?
Depending on if a candidate is prepared outside of California or outside of the United States, there are different steps that need to be taken. Please refer the the CTC website that can be accessed here for more information.
Who can tell me who my balance is for District Intern or Induction?
Contact the main office at (562) 922-7413.
How long does it take for a Preliminary or Clear credential to post on the CTC website.
The first issuance of a preliminary or clear normally takes less than 10 days to post on the CTC website. Extensions can take up to 120 days to post.
Can I choose my own mentor?
All mentors must be trained by LACOE staff. If the mentor you have in mind has been trained, they may be able to be your mentor.