Assembly Bill (AB) 130 was signed by the Governor and became effective July 9, 2021. Provisions of the bill create new options for credential candidates to meet the Subject Matter and the Basic Skills Requirements (BSR). The bill does not waive the requirement.
New Basic Skills Requirement OptionsThis new option allows the Commission and Commission-approved preparation programs to verify that a candidate or applicant has demonstrated basic skills proficiency by verifying qualifying college-level coursework from a regionally accredited institution of higher education if certain conditions are met.
Click Here for more information on SB 153.
Individuals may meet the requirement by passage of courses in reading, writing, and mathematics as outlined below. Courses must have been taken at a regionally-accredited college or university for credit, passed with a grade of B or better, be degree applicable, and be at least 3 semester units (or equivalent quarter units).
Detailed information for meeting the BSR can be found on the following link Basic Skills Requirement (CL-667) ( |
New Subject Matter Competence OptionsLACOE BTP only offers subject matter verification for direct degree to credential matches for those not enrolled in a LACOE BTP program. We currently do not evaluate coursework for subject matter equivalency.
AB 130 expands the available options to allow candidates to meet the Subject Matter Requirement through any one of the following methods:
1. Successful completion of coursework, as verified by a Commission-approved program of professional preparation that addresses each of the Commission-adopted domains of the applicable subject matter requirements. 2. Successful completion of an academic major in the subject they will teach.
Click HERE & HERE for more information. |